the moon as a guest

von Ando Mikie

unusual stories to smile and think about

for children from 5 years, pre-primary schools and adults

coproduktion with  ensemble peripher


director & stagedesign: Sibylle Kobus & Team

play: Christiane Ahlhelm & Lydia Starkulla

costume: Bascha Schaucher

drawing: Hannah Schröder

premiere 9.6.2018 Kultur im Oberbräu, Holzkirchen


rights: Der Mond zu Gast, @ 2007 Mikie Ando
© der deutschsprachigen Übersetzung: 2011 Baobab Books, Basel, Alle Rechte vorbehalten



Stage (minimum):     5m , 4 m , 2,70m 

duration of the play: 45 minutes


sponsored by:

 Gemeinde Valley,